Wednesday, December 2, 2015


It's that time of year again when the holidays just seem to roll together. First it's Halloween (my birthday) followed by Thanksgiving and, right on its' heals, Christmas arrives and the year has ended! It's become so commercial that retailers are all trying to get the advantage or edge on their competitors. 

I prefer to take things in stride and not rush everything. This is a time to not share about Brotherhood but, right now, it's time to focus on Thanksgiving. Not the parades, not the food, not the family gatherings... but rather take sufficient time to give thanks to the Lord! Thank Him for health, you career the bountiful provisions, a good family and the freedom that we all share (and take for granted) by living in America!

Try "giving forward". It's been recently done in a big way. A mother went grocery shopping and her credit card was declined or did not work, She didn't have any cash and would take too much time to go home & start all over. A gentleman, who was next in line, paid her +$200 bill without wanting any repayment. He just told her to "pay it forward" ... or do it for someone else in need.

The mother was so grateful that she wanted to show her gratitude in some way. A phone call to him would be nice but, knowing he worked at the nearby gym, she wanted to tell his boss what a great employee he was. The boss was overwhelmed but had to tell the mother some sad news. That kind man was killed in an auto accident the day after he had paid her bill! The mother decided to honor him with a special Facebook memorial that has gathered more than 10,000 friends and growing. Now that's thanksgiving - true to life! 

Thanksgiving is not only one day a year... but every day be thankful to God. He has done GREAT things!

Remember... be blessed and be a blessing.


Saturday, October 17, 2015


Brotherhood's schedule has been hectic... but oh so good!!! After returning from NYC, we had October concert ministries that continued where we left off. We were at Geneva Methodist and Space Coast Assembly where we met new friends and became re-aquainted with others. What a wonderful time Brotherhood had with such fine folks who appreciated our new material like "I Want To Be That Man" and "We Will Stand our Ground" and just loved the classics such as "The Lighthouse", "I'll Fly Away" and "Through It All". Space Coast was a unique day - we ministered to the seniors in the AM meeting and then returned for a full concert in the evening service!! 

What we also enjoyed was speaking with the people afterwards, sharing testimonies, having individual prayer & fellowship. One gentleman commented, "I really enjoy your spirit & can't wait for you guys to come back again!" That means a lot and pretty much says it all. If Brotherhood doesn't work in unity & under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then we are "like clinking brass". We endeavor the always honor the King and sing unto Him who allows us tu use whatever meager gifts we have to offer. May our God receive it as "sweet, sweet sounds to His ears." 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


As fall sets in, Brotherhood's schedule gets busier and busier. Fall is typically the start of an annual life cycles' end - just before winter. Brotherhood sees it a little bit differently. It's the best time to bring the gospel message in song since everyone is back from vacations, settled back at churches and home before the holidays roll around. Our schedule will take us to some new places and new faces that I'll share about briefly.

Before leaving for our NY/NJ tour, we had a great kick-off concert at Longwood Community Church of God. It was a "warm up" for what was to come in NYC and enabled us to test new material locally. We met new folks and old friends who enjoyed and were blessed by our unique blend and presentation of the Word in song - our brand of gospel music. One dear friend was so glad that we bring back the classics that have been forgotten or seldom sung such as "The Lighthouse" and "How Great Thou Art".

Brotherhood was very anxious to return to our friends and family "up north". And what a time we had!!! It has always been a destination we thoroughly enjoy - ministry, fellowship, food, friends, etc. But this tour was memorable and will be cherished for a long time.

Besides our 4 concerts in 3 days, Brotherhood was able to provide evangelism training (led by Phil) Saturday morning and then "hit the streets" right afterwards in Coney Island (Brooklyn). Their pastor was quite pleased  by those who came for training from the church (13). He didn't even have a sign up sheet so he had no expectation level. I believe the one hour spent at the projects netted 10-12 new believers and rededications. Praise God for those who are taking an outreach approach to winning souls to Jesus Christ. If the people don't come to you or your church - you go to them!

Besides singing, each Brotherhood member had an opportunity to share the gospel message. John on Saturday night, Dan on Sunday night and Phil on Friday night & Sunday morning. Mel, our bass, shared with the children on Sunday morning in the Bronx. He has a soft, tender heart and can effectively speak to kids. With tears flowing, he shared a personal story when he was a youngster that really ministered to them.

While praying and preparing song selections for the 4 churches, John felt led to change things up a bit and break right after singing "Healer" for an altar call for healing. That's not done at regular gospel concerts but again, Brotherhood is eclectic and unique.

In Brooklyn (Coney Is.), the pastor asked if we could do an evangelism training on Saturday AM. That's Phil's "hot button"/ passion, so he led a training session & then took teams to the local projects (low income housing). We had a splendid time with divine encounters producing approx. 10 people making decisions for Christ or re-dedications. The church will do follow up work, too. P.S. So good to see Aldo after so many years.

On Saturday night, we returned to Nutley, New Jersey after a few years absence and was rewarding in many ways. the genuine love we shared in word and song was just what the people needed and was so rewarding in many ways. many were hearing Brotherhood for the first time & I believe the pastor was equally encouraged. At altar call, it was the first time we ever heard a request "to be a better husband" - amen to that!

Sunday morning in the Bronx was special to John because it's always a homecoming celebration. That's where he was born & raised with many precious memories around the altar, choir, Christmas programs, Sunday School, youth, etc. It's where he received Christ and was baptized in water. Quite an overwhelming, joyful sight to see church growth & leadership taken by young couples and their children. My close friend's grandson now sings on the praise team - led by his mother!! I think we're getting older! It was fun having Vinnie, their bass player, join Brotherhood on "Mansion Over he Hilltop".

Can't forget the great fellowship & Italian food that many folks prepared - what "northern hospitality" - praise God!

Our final stop was at Ossining in Westchester County (just north of New York City) and that was a blessed event. We reacquainted with pastor, family and friends who thoroughly enjoyed our brand of gospel music. Dan brought a challenging message, as well. Again, altar time was special & John had the opportunity to pray with some old friends from the Bronx (they're all over the place!). One is a 103 year old who sat in the SS class taught by John's mother! Sis. Panzitta is still going strong and looks wonderful.

We look forward to hearing great things form the NY/NJ area. the people are hungry for the word and it's not as dark as you think. In fact, keep revival in America in your prayers!!

Remember... be blessed and be a blessing.

Friday, June 19, 2015


We've celebrated Resurrection Sunday and Mothers' Day this spring. Now it will soon be summer and a great time to get outdoors and enjoy God's wonderful weather - blue skies, fresh air, green grass, birds singing... you know what I'm talking about! In the process, make sure you take the time to thank God for all His beautiful creation that He has provided for us. If you look real close to God's creation, you will be in awe of what amazing things God has created. A while back when I did just that, God gave me a song that I simply call "There Is God". Here's the chorus...

  "There is God in mountains high and rivers wide,

In autumn leaves that fall, a blade of grass, a babies cry.

There is God when prayers are answered whether big or small,

There is God in everything you do."

And, to top it all off, He created Man in His very image  - how awesome is that! Thank you Father, that you took the time the create all that we see... and can't see. But, above all, that you so loved us the most by creating us in you image ... and then sending your only Son to die for our sins. Thank you for bridging the gap that Man had caused since the Garden of Eden. We now know that communication and fellowship with God has been restored because of Jesus Christ! AMEN

  P.S. Keep Brotherhood in you prayers as we enter the studio to record our next CD project real soon. We're very excited and blessed to be able to continue past our 10th anniversary together in ministry. All CD projects are exciting but this one is really interesting... can't wait to get started!! 

 P.S.S. Praise God, we are returning to the NYC area in September. Plans have been working out real well, with God's help. Our bass man Mel, and our travel coordinator, has everything set and we'll be ready to go. Once again, Brotherhood will be in concert ministry at 4 churches in 3 days - Lord give us strength!!

Remember... be blessed and be a blessing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


For nearly half of my life, I have lived in New York City. Believe it or not, it was a great place to grow up - surrounded by wonderful people, food, sights and sounds. However, Jan-March could be a bit unbearable with the cold spells, snowstorms and dreary days. You spent a great deal of time inside your home.

I guess it could no different in other parts of America, as well. Now living in Florida, I've experienced a prolonged "cold spell" this year - and I don't like it much. The miseries of illness (colds, flu, etc.) came to my home and kept the busyness of life away. What a time to reflect on the things get you down or tend to brighten your day. God is good all the time and all the time God is good will keep you standing on His promises. And even in your lowest moments, He is with you! As I listened to good gospel music and read the Word, the blues started to fade away, taking me to a place of peace and rest. No one can do that except for Jesus Christ who cares so much about my life.

The title of some songs just want you to take a closer listen. "There Is Jesus", "But God", "For God So Loved", "The I Of The Storm", "His Life For Mine". Thank God that "joy comes in the morning" and the darkness before the dawn starts shrinking away real fast. Celebrate the joy of your salvation, what lies ahead in your Christian walk, anticipate great things in Christ and always see the glass half full and not half empty!

Be blessed and be a blessing!!