Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Brotherhood's back home! We had a tremendous weekend tour in the NYC/NJ area starting out with a Friday PM casual concert in Bronx, NY (my hometown). The 4 church concerts in 3 days was truly a blessed time to minister to pastors and their congregation.

Bronx Christian Assembly hosted the Friday evening concert which is typically youth emphasized and ministry outreach - what a great event to be part of! Every Friday, the church feeds the needy in their community. Brotherhood was part of that time, singing a few accapella songs and John provided a brief share/testimony before the meal was served. Dan, Mel, Phil and I all had time to speak with these guests as they ate and many stayed for the concert, praise God! 

The concert was wonderful and blessed - full of a variety of gospel music enjoyed by all. By special request, we had to insert a few "oldies" that they all joined in. They sang and clapped along with "Give It Away" and "Roll Away" quite loud and energetic! Phil gave a brief but pointed message followed by altar work which saw many come forward for salvation, rededication, healing and calls to ministry! It was God's perfect timing; we did not know that Sunday was Water Baptism at that church. Getting hugs from the "little ones" was a precious moment and seeing old friends including my youth buddy, David, who took photos.

More news to come - blessings!!