Brotherhood's schedule has been hectic... but oh so good!!! After returning from NYC, we had October concert ministries that continued where we left off. We were at Geneva Methodist and Space Coast Assembly where we met new friends and became re-aquainted with others. What a wonderful time Brotherhood had with such fine folks who appreciated our new material like "I Want To Be That Man" and "We Will Stand our Ground" and just loved the classics such as "The Lighthouse", "I'll Fly Away" and "Through It All". Space Coast was a unique day - we ministered to the seniors in the AM meeting and then returned for a full concert in the evening service!!
What we also enjoyed was speaking with the people afterwards, sharing testimonies, having individual prayer & fellowship. One gentleman commented, "I really enjoy your spirit & can't wait for you guys to come back again!" That means a lot and pretty much says it all. If Brotherhood doesn't work in unity & under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then we are "like clinking brass". We endeavor the always honor the King and sing unto Him who allows us tu use whatever meager gifts we have to offer. May our God receive it as "sweet, sweet sounds to His ears."