The past few months have been busy for Brotherhood, as well.
As Thanksgiving rolls around, we want to thank Him and give God all the honor
and glory He deserves. More ministry doors have been opened and more will come.
We were just at a new church, First Baptist of Central Florida, and had a
wonderful concert time with those folks. Pastor Charles was such a gracious
host and made us feel as if we'd known each other a long time. The people
really showed the love of Christ as they served the body and conversed with us
later on. And, no matter where we go, Brotherhood always finds transplants from
our home states - Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska and, of course, New York! Our
mixture of new gospel, classics and hymnal favorites energized the people that
made us feel right at home! We could have sang for hours and hours. What a
great time we had and look forward to returning next year. We also sang a few
selections during a missions convention at Church Alive. The guest speaker was
Owen Carr, a 90 year old minister who still pastors a church in Springfield,
MO!! It was a blessed time for all who attended that Sunday service. Many gave
a faith promise in which you pledge to support missions and trust God to
provide the funds. It's happened many times before and will continue, praise
It is so wonderful to have that common bond and relationship
with other believers. Thank God, one day it will be over and we will spend
eternity in heaven with Him. My father-in-law has just entered those gates, as
well. It's sad for those who remain but wonderful for those who depart. Thank
you Lord for that promise!
Stay well, be blessed and be a blessing. A Happy
Thanksgiving to all! FYI... remember to "make friends" with
Brotherhood on Facebook.