Friday, December 21, 2012


December is the time for people to start scurrying around and planning for the holiday season. They plan & prepare for gift exchange, parties, family gatherings, food, drink and jolly/happy times. Why does everyone seem so much happier when December comes? Why can't that joy continue into January, February and throughout the entire year? What makes the difference in the life of a Christian is the fact that Christmas means the promise fulfilled. The Savior of the world would come to provide the way for all mankind. Someone who would come in the flesh, understand our sufferings and shortcomings... and love us anyway!!

Brotherhood has kept their schedule lean this month but it's truly been on God's timetable. Our concert at Space Coast Assembly (Titusville) was wonderful on many levels. The gospel in song was enthusiastically received through gospel classics and new southern gospel material. Our doo-wop song "Jesus You're So Wonderful" was a crowd favorite and they sang along with many others including "Mansion Over The Hilltop". It felt like revival as most of the congregation came forward for altar prayer. The pastor even requested a repeat of "The Blood Will Never Lose Its' Power" as we concluded the evening. We made many new friends and will return in January for a seniors event, praise God. The Christmas celebration at Winter Park AGLOW was terrific, too! Brotherhood was reacquainted with pastors, church leaders and friends. In addition to our concert, there were carol singing, praise dancers, solos, duets and a special Christmas message before lunchtime. Brotherhood was able to introduce a few new ones that will be incorporated into our program such as "The Lighthouse", "I'm Raised" and "Saved By Grace".

Have blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year in Christ!