Monday, November 5, 2012


It's quite appropriate for the harvest and Thanksgiving to arrive in the fall. As the seasons change, it's a time for new beginnings - a time of transition. It’s a time to gather the bounty after months of tilling the soil, planting the seeds and nurturing with water. These are the rewards of laborious days in the fields worked by hard working people.

And what about our spiritual labors? Do we feel our prayers aren't answered as quickly as we expect? Always be thankful to God for He does all things well and in His own time. The closer we get to Him, the better we can understand His will. Patience is a virtue that everyone should strive to possess and our prayers do not fall on deaf ears. Our God knows the "how" and "where" and "when" the petitions of His children are to be answered. But remember, thank God daily for who He is and not for what He can do for you.

Brotherhood continually gives thanks our heavenly Father for what He allows us to do. And that's to sing His praises, to encourage believers and bring the lost unto the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That is our mission.

Until next time, be blessed and be a blessing!