Wednesday, January 11, 2012


There's just nothing like a new pair of shoes, a brand new car or new sheets on a bed. You can feel and smell the freshness they bring. Well, so is the case in our own lives. The year 2011 has quickly passed by and we start a new chapter. How will that begin for you? Do you make resolutions you don't keep? Let's make one that we "stick to" for the entire year. Why not choose to be a better friend of God? The Bible says that "if we draw nigh to Him then He will draw nigh unto us". That means to draw closer and have a better relationship.. but we must take that first step. Try it and see if 2012 doesn't become one of the best years of your life.

Brotherhood's 2012 schedule is beginning to fill up quickly, praise God! Before "hitting the road" in January, we will take extra time for new material (we have plenty in the coffers!) and praying for God's best in 2012. Again, we await the doors He opens for Brotherhood since He prepares the way. With our new sound system, we can go anywhere, anyplace, anytime. And we know that when the Lord closes one door He usually opens a window instead!

Continue to keep us in your prayers. The end of 2011 saw the enemy attack each member in different ways but we stand on His word. He's our Healer, Provider, Deliver, Savior and soon coming King! If there's one thing certain to remember - Satan is a liar 'cause Jesus is the Messiah! May the Lord pour our His blessings in the short time before His return. Amen.

Be blessed and be a blessing!