Thursday, August 6, 2009


Brotherhood had a wonderful, blessed time ministering to the military personnel at the Navair Prayer Breakfast. This monthly event is held before normal business hours so... our day began real early! But, it's so important to start out each day with God first in mind and thoughts. A quick meal prayer just doesn't cut it. Prayer is also their 2009 theme and Brotherhood planned to stay on that track, as well.

We opened with a military salute medley honoring the men and women who serve, or have served, in America's armed forces. Brotherhood then shared songs that are well known to all denominations. "How Great Thou Art", Old Time Religion medley, "Nothing But The Blood" and "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" focused on God's greatness and our dependance on Him. We closed with one of our favorites, "Nail It To The Cross", which set the tone for Dan's message on the relevance of faith in prayer. All were touched and blessed- it was the right time and place for Brotherhood to minister. God always knows best!

Because of an early start, Brotherhood was able to "join forces" over a good breakfast before continuing our day's activities. We were all truly hungry but savored the recent ministry experience. Brotherhood is planning to return to Navair again next year! Be blessed until next time...